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PriceCut For Developers

Price Cut is a new way to promote your App.

Offering promotional codes is always an effective way to attract new customers. PriceCut is a marketplace where you can offer your app subscription at a special price avoiding the competition of the App Store.

How does it work?

With a small annual subscription you can have a place on the PriceCut homepage and show your app to many new potential customers. Our goal is to find customers interested in buying apps and to show your app to more and more people. But it doesn't end there-read the next paragraph."

Price cut for Journalists

PriceCut is not only about finding new potential customers for your app but also aims to provide an easy way for journalists and influencers to test new apps. When you purchase your PriceCut subscription you will be asked to provide two links. The first link will have a discount that can vary by a percentage of your choice. between 80% and 20%. The second link will be a link that will give you access to a year's worth of graded subscription for your app. This link will be visible only to journalists who can download and test your app on their own and decide whether to highlight you on their blogs or by mentioning your app in a video. All journalists will have to accredit and be manually approved, so no one will be able to download your app for free.

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How much does it cost?

"To sponsor your app on an industry newsletter you can pay an amount ranging from $250 to $2,000 in some cases even more, the results of these sponsorships are sometimes more than disappointing because those who read usually are not customers intent on buying something. 
Users who come to PriceCut, on the other hand, are users looking for discounts and thus already ready to spend. A one-year subscription to PriceCut costs only $99 per app, but by purchasing it before the site launches in 30 days you can get a 50 percent discount and get a spot for your app for only $49 for the first year. The full site will be available within 30 days.

How much does it cost?

To sponsor your app on an industry newsletter you can pay an amount ranging from $250 to $2,000 in some cases even more, the results of these sponsorships are sometimes more than disappointing because those who read usually are not customers intent on buying something. 
Users who come to PriceCut, on the other hand, are users looking for discounts and thus already ready to spend. A one-year subscription to PriceCut costs only $99 per app, but by purchasing it before the site launches in 30 days you can get a 50 percent discount and get a spot for your app for only $49 for the first year. The full site will be available within 30 days.

Let's recap all the benefits

Menzione della tua app nella newsletter di PriceCut La tua app sarà visibile sulla home page di PriceCut per un anno Possibilità di mostrare la tua app ad un publico di giornalisti di settore. Assicurati il tuo posto con uno sconto del 50% sull’abbonamento annuale.

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